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    Links to some of my favourite books, shops, websites for natural birthing, parenting and more



    Postpartum Doula services Central Victoria - Libby Jackson

    Postpartum Doula service Melbourne - Justine Law

    Choices for Childbirth

    Bi-monthly conversations with midwives for pregnant women looking to discuss all the options available for birthing. I wish I discovered this beautiful service when we were navigating our way around the natural birthing options in Australia. 

    Joy Johnston Midwife 

    Joy was our wonderful midwife for the birth or our second son at home, can't recommend her enough, she is an amazing advocate of natural birth.

    Village Midwife Blog

    Joy's fantastic blog about the issues surrounding birth and midwifery 

    Midwives and Mothers

    Melbourne independent midwives for home or hospital birthing

    Midwives Naturally

    Melbourne independent midwives for home or hospital birthing



    Natural Health After Birth - A complete guide to postpartum wellness

    A must have book for pregnant mums, because a healthy, happy mum means a healthy, contented baby. See my blog post here about my Postpartum recovery pack that I made up for my self - I was so glad I put this together for myself.

    Naturally Healthy Babies and Children

    A great family resource for providing home remedies for all sorts of childhood ailments

    Family Festivals and Food

    This resource book explores seasonal festivals all round the year which children love celebrating. There are ideas on things to do, food to make, songs to sing, and games to play.

    Nourishing Traditions

    This cookbook transformed our lives! It's our family food bible, great recipes, tasty and packed with nutrition - a real gem

    Wholefood for Children

    Another great recipe book full of nutrient dense wholefoods and snacks for children by an Australian author.

    The No-Cry Sleep Solution

    I found this book full of great tips for helping get baby off to sleep, especially babies who have been attachment parented and co-sleepers and who might be so used to breastfeeding to sleep or being carried in the sling to sleep or in mine and many mum's experience wanting to feed all night long!

    Creative Play for your Toddler

    This is packed full of great craft projects for you to make beautiful toys and playthings for your child. Really great instructions and easy projects for mums and dads with crafty (or not so crafty even!) hands.

    The Continuum Concept

    This is a book from the 70s which is an anthropological study of babies and their development in traditional communities from South America. A real classic and very interesting look at non-western traditional parenting styles, a powerful read for new mums and dads. 



    The Purl Bee is a New York shop and their website is full of exquisite craft projects for babies and children including free knitting and sewing patterns

    The Baby Wearer is a really informative site for those exploring the minefield of sling wearing. With so many options out there this compares different styles and is a great resource. After trying about five slings we settled with the very popular Ergo baby in the end and used a stretchy wrap for the first 3 months.

    Myriad is a beautiful online shop located in the UK which sells the most exquisite natural Steiner toys for babies and children.

    Happy Earth a blog about sustainable living and a great article about cloth nappies 


    More about us


    Cobbled Together by Brenna

    My blog where I write about nourishing fibres, food and natural crafty fun (not updated of late - but lots of old still relevant content :)

    Dominic Crinson

    Not really on the natural parenting theme but I've got to link to my partner's website of course, he designs amazing ceramic tiles and wallpapers